Entries by APsystems Team

Need for Speed: Inside the upgrades to the most powerful microinverter on the market

A smart grid needs a very smart inverter – and fast data communications. Solar Builder Magazine dives into the high-speed ZigBee communications capability built into the APsystems QS1, the most powerful microinverter on the market. Up to 3x faster than standard PLC, the QS1 ZigBee creates a 2.4GhZ “mesh” network for fast, reliable performance tracking […]

APsystems QS1 Microinverter NOW SHIPPING in USA

The APsystems QS1, an innovative four-module, single-phase microinverter for residential applications, is now shipping in the USA. A bold step forward in microinverter technology, the QS1 offers 300% faster installation time, while offering the highest peak output power and up to 3X faster data transmission speed than PLC. A wider MPPT voltage range will result […]

Editor picks for the Top Solar Products of 2018

Four high-output modules on a single microinverter? Believe it. The new QS1 residential quad microinverter from APsystems earns an Editor’s Pick as one of the top solar products of 2018. Built for large-scale systems and demanding environments, the QS1 handles modules up to 375W, with wider MPPT range for greater solar harvest in low-light conditions. […]

Thanks to all of our solar partners across the U.S.

With the national day of gratitude upon us, the APsystems team would like to extend our sincere thanks to all of our solar partners across the U.S. We have a lot to be thankful for. The support and enthusiasm from our partner distributors, installers and end-users alike have helped make APsystems the #2 microinverter provider in […]

APsystems Launches QS1 Four-Module 1200W AC Microinverter

**FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE** ANAHEIM – September 24th, 2018 – APsystems unveils the QS1, a four-module, single phase microinverter for residential applications at the Solar Power International trade show in Anaheim. A new design for APsystems, the QS1 offers 75% faster installation time, while offering the highest peak output power and up to 3X faster data […]

APsystems to Launch QS1 Four-Module 1200W Microinverter at Solar Power International

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE SEATTLE, Wa.; ROTTERDAM, Netherlands; JIAXING, China – August 27, 2018 – APsystems will unveil the QS1, a four-module, single phase microinverter for residential applications at the Solar Power International trade show in Anaheim. A new design for APsystems, the QS1 offers 75% faster installation time, while offering the highest peak output power […]

How should solar installers plan for inverter failure – SPW

APsystems microinverter reliability is touted in the August issue Solar Power World. In the article “How should solar installers plan for inverter failure,” writer Kelsey Misbrener explores inverter reliability, warranties, and industry views on how installers and customers can keep up with evolving inverter technologies. The article quotes Director of Marketing Jason Higginson, citing APsystems […]