Trends And Challenges Of Solar Inverters

Solar Power World asked APS VP Michael Ludgate to weigh in on the trends and challenges of solar inverter technology for the online magazine’s recent series. Read Michael’s insights here.

APS microinverters featured in new 

Habitat for Humanity 32-home project

APS microinverters are featured in a new 32-home affordable housing project by Habitat for Humanity.

The Harris Court development in Port Orchard, Wash., will fulfill Habitat’s mission of providing safe, decent housing –- and a lower power bill as well. Thanks to Habitat’s partnership with local solar providers, the new homes will include a renewable power source on every rooftop.
apsystems-habitat2 “We’re proud to work with Habitat for Humanity on this fantastic project,” said Tim Bailey of Blue Frog Solar, the local distributor for APS microinverter products. “It’s exciting to see our neighbors achieve the dream of home ownership, and including a solar component sets a standard we hope can be repeated again and again.”
Each residential system in the Harris Court project includes APS YC500 microinverters, 265-watt PV modules by itek energy, and Sunmodo racking. Installation is by Sunergy Systems of Seattle.
Power output will be about 2.25 kW per home, said system designer Gonzi Caballero, who is working with Habitat for Humanity through the federal AmeriCorps service program.
Daryl Daugs, director of Habitat for Humanity of Kitsap County, said the idea to include solar in the Harris Court project came out of an eco-design exercise that made sustainable construction and energy efficiency the top priority.
“Our goal is really to make homes affordable for the long term,” Daugs said. “That’s why we’re on the leading edge of green homebuilding for low-income families. We wanted this to be a super-green neighborhood.”
Daugs found ready partners in local APS distributor Blue Frog Solar, of Poulsbo, Wash., and itek energy, of Bellingham, Wash., the largest PV module manufacturer in Washington state.  All solar components are being provided to Habitat at substantial discounts.
Kelly Samson, APS USA president, said the company is honored to have its microinverter products included in a Habitat for Humanity project.

“These new homeowners are realizing a goal we all share, and we’re very gratified to contribute to their success,” he said.

The Harris Court homes are being constructed through a combination of homeowners’ sweat-equity and local volunteer labor. A range of designs is planned, from three-bedroom, 1,100-square-foot “ramblers” to four- and five-bedroom, two-story homes with 1,600 square feet of living space.

apsystems-habitat3Roof slopes are oriented to the south to optimize solar potential. Even Harris Court’s yards and common spaces will be sustainable — more than 80 fruit trees are being planted to create an “edible neighborhood.”

The first two homes should be ready for occupancy in November. Eight more homes will be framed and enclosed by fall, with buildout of the entire 32-home project expected within three years.

Daugs said his organization is already planning its next project with a solar component, and he recently led a solar financing and design workshop for other Habitat affiliates statewide. Interest throughout the organization is high, he said.

“The Harris Court neighborhood is the coolest thing we’ve ever done,” Daugs said. “Adding solar is the coolest of the cool.”

For information on APS solar microinverter projects, see

Additional information:

APS microinverters to be distributed by Utilities Supply Corp. in Florida, Caribbean markets


May 22, 2014

SEATTLE — APS microinverter products will be distributed by Miami-based Utilities Supply Corp., under a first-time agreement between the two companies.

The partnership establishes APS microinverter products in the Florida and Caribbean markets, following recent distribution deals in Nevada and California.

“By working with Utilities Supply Corp., APS enters the Caribbean market with products that meet the challenging environmental conditions there,” said Paul Barlock, Senior Vice President for APS America. “The innovative and highly reliable APS products are a great fit for Utilities Supply and its customers.”

UnknownUtilities Supply Corp. executives praised the unique, chip-based architecture of APS microinverters that allows each unit to be easily programmed to suit any power grid profile. The Caribbean island grid includes a number of different technical standards, including British, Dutch, German, French and American, making inverter compatibility a key challenge for solar installers. Because they meet these varied technical demands, Utilities Supply will use and distribute APS microinverters exclusively.

“With APS we can program inverter to grid spec, not grid to inverter,” said Mario Fajardo, managing member for Utilities Supply Corp. “That’s a huge advantage.”

Utilities Supply has already deployed APS microinverters in two solar installations on the island of Aruba in the Dutch Antilles, including one for N.V. Elmar, the island’s electrical provider. Five more APS-based installations are underway, three at a large hotel chain. Distribution of APS microinverter products is also beginning in Jamaica.

“APS has the pulse of the market,” Fajardo said. “They bring stable, consistent products with pricing that helps distributors and end users meet their goal to transition to renewable energy, with realistic and affordable options. Also, the APS support team is awesome.”

APS was founded in Silicon Valley in 2009 and is now a global leader in the development, manufacturing and marketing of solar microinverters based on their own leading-edge technology. Based near Seattle, APS America supplies and services APS products in North America.

The APS solar solution, which includes the APS Energy Communication Unit and APS web-based Monitor, combines highly efficient power inversion with a user-friendly monitoring interface to provide reliable, intelligent solar energy for residential and commercial applications.

APS ranked No. 2 in global market share among top microinverter suppliers by shipments in 2013 (Source: GTM Research).

For information on APS solar microinverter projects, see or email

For information on Utilities Supply Corp., see, email, or call (305) 600-0426.

Tomorrow’s leaders in technology visit APS America

Students from North Kitsap High School visited the APS USA offices recently to find out more about our advanced solar microinverter technology. APS IT Director Dana Gosney showed the students our APSmicroinverters in action at the demonstration and testing installation next to the building.

UnknownThe students represented NKHS’ two advanced engineering classes, Engineering II and Advanced Technical Drawing, instructor Eric Nieland says. The students have spent three years in the program and are looking at pursuing further education in engineering-related fields.

“It is very eye-opening for them to see what happens in the real world,” Nieland says. “As a group, they are starting to see the wide scope and broad influence our manufacturing community possesses. Everyone hears about Boeing and Microsoft, but not enough credit is given to the smaller, local ventures.”

The students were impressed by the APS solar solution’s ability to track PV module performance, and by the company’s customer support system, Nieland says.

The high school hopes to create more opportunities with local manufacturers, to open the doors and let students get a glimpse of the behind-the-scenes work that goes on in the manufacturing sector.

APS America would like to say a big THANK YOU to tomorrow’s leaders, the technology students of North Kitsap High School, for their interest in our solar energy future and APS microinverter technology.

Letting the sun shine in: Habitat for Humanity neighborhood gets solar panels

Blue Frog Solar and Habitat for Humanity have teamed up to bring solar to 32 new homes in Port Orchard (using APS microinverters, of course!), and we get great coverage in the Kitsap Sun newspaper. Read the whole story here.


APS Microinverters to be distributed by Sol-Up in Nevada market


May 6, 2014

SEATTLE — APS microinverters will be distributed by Las Vegas-based Sol-Up USA, under a first-time agreement between the two companies.

The partnership establishes APS microinverter products in the Nevada market with one of the area’s top solar distributors and installers.

“We’re very proud to be partnering with a company of Sol-Up’s stature,” said Paul Barlock, Senior Vice President of APS America. “Their performance in the Nevada market speaks to their expertise and customer service.”

Sol-Up executives cited the leading-edge technology offered by APS microinverters in adding the APS line to their product portfolio.

logo-main-solup1“APS is the only microinverter on the market for 300-watt panels with a 25-year warranty,” said Frank Rieger, CEO of Sol-Up USA. “Being twin inverters, APS microinverters are less costly because only one inverter is needed for every two panels. APS is the world’s leading brand for microinverters, and we’re very happy with the product.”

Sol-Up has nearly 20 solar installations using APS microinverters already completed or in development.

Sol-Up was founded in 2009 with a goal of making Las Vegas “the solar capital of the world.” Founder Frank Rieger brought more than 20 years of executive and solar engineering experience in Germany, a global leader in solar capacity, to the venture.

Sol-Up offers an on-site Suntastic showroom and warehouse to show its products to customers, and will celebrate the grand opening of a new Las Vegas location on May 9.

APS ranked No. 2 in global market share among top microinverter suppliers by shipments in 2013 (Source: GTM Research). Based near Seattle, APS America supplies and services APS products in North America. APS was founded in Silicon Valley in 2009 and is now a global leader in the development, manufacturing and marketing of solar microinverters based on their own leading-edge technology.

The APS solar solution, which includes the APS Energy Communication Unit and APS web-based Monitor, combines highly efficient power inversion with a user-friendly monitoring interface to provide reliable, intelligent energy for residential and commercial applications.

For information on APS solar microinverter projects, see or email

For information on Sol-Up, see, email, or call (702) 586-9800.

APS America adds Andy Weber to technical support team


May 6, 2014

SEATTLE — APS America has added Andy Weber to its team as Technical Support Engineer.

andy_weberWeber has extensive experience as a solar installer, with more than 50 installations in the Colorado market to his credit. He has also worked as a financial analyst in the solar industry, and holds a master’s degree in interdisciplinary studies.

“Andy is a great addition to the APS team,” said Tommy VanCleave, Customer Service Manager for APS America. “We pride ourselves on our responsiveness to customers, and Andy’s expertise carries that mission forward.”

Weber said he was drawn by the advanced solar technology now offered by APS, including the flagship YC500 microinverter and the YC1000, the world’s first true 3-phase, 4-panel microinverter for commercial applications, due later in 2014.

“APS products are distinguishing themselves in the market and in the field, where it really counts,” he said. “It’s an exciting time to be joining the company and supporting these products.”

APS ranked No. 2 in global market share among top microinverter suppliers by shipments in 2013 (source: GTM Research).

APS was founded in Silicon Valley in 2009, and is now a global leader in the development, manufacturing and marketing of microinverters based on their own proprietary, leading-edge solar technology. APS America, representing APS in the US market, is based near Seattle.

For information on APS solar microinverter projects, see or email

Microinverter tech shines bright, APS VP Ludgate tells Solar Power World

APS VP Michael Ludgate sees a bright future for microinverters in a new column at Solar Power World online.

“Microinverters have only scratched the surface of their potential, as focused research and development across the industry pushes this technology even farther forward,” Michael says.

Read the whole column at

THANK YOU to Solar Power World for inviting Michael and APS to share his insights on microinverter R&D and the module-level power electronics market’s exciting prospects!

Do We Need Solar Inverter Reliability Standards? Here’s What Manufacturers Think

APS VP Michael Ludgate is among the industry elite invited to weigh in on solar equipment reliability standards at Solar Power World online:

Do We Need Solar Inverter Reliability Standards? Here’s What Manufacturers Think

“It is common practice in telecommunication and military power equipment to meet certain predictions on product life and reliability, better known as mean time before failure (MTBF) estimates. Some form of MTBF could separate the good from the bad and force solar module manufactures to address failures with analysis and constant product improvement.”
—Michael Ludgate, VP of Business Development, APS America

Read the whole article here.

APS USA co-founder Samson a serial solar entrepreneur

APS America CEO Kelly Samson is featured in the latest issue of the Kitsap Peninsula Business Journal for his leadership in the solar industry. Thanks to the Journal and writer Rodika Tollefson for the great coverage of APS and our solar future!

Click here to read the article
