APsystems Announces PVRSE Compatibility with its APsmart RSD and SMA Inverters

Module-level Rapid Shutdown solution for SMA-powered solar arrays in the United States

SEATTLE–APsystems welcomes SMA to its growing network of inverter manufacturers compatible with its APsmart brand of Sunspec standard-compliant Photovoltaic Rapid Shutdown Equipment (PVRSE). Solar professionals in the United States can now combine the complete range of SunSpec Rapid Shutdown-certified SMA inverters with a reliable, safe and cost-effective APsmart Rapid Shutdown solution. Available throughout APsmart US distribution partner networks, the APsmart RSD has been certified by CSA to meet the UL 1741 standard for electrical safety and is fully compliant with the National Electric Code (NEC) 2014, 2017 and 2020 690.12 Rapid Shutdown Requirements.

“We are proud to have SMA, one of the most respected and recognized brands in the industry, join our list of inverter manufacturing partners using the APsmart RSD with their products,” said Olivier Jacques, APsystems business unit president and global executive vice president.

Already compatible with leading inverter manufacturers including Chint, CSI, Delta, Fronius, GoodWe, Growatt, Solectria and Solis, the APsmart RSD comes with a 25-year warranty, and tens of thousands of units have already been installed around the world since its launch last year.

“The APsmart RSD is Sunspec certified for rapid shutdown and delivers an easy, reliable and cost-effective solution for code compliance,” said Charles Ellis, VP of sales for the Americas region, SMA America. “When paired with SMA inverters, installers can be confident this technology will deliver best-in-class performance.”

As a result of intensive testing and cooperation from both SMA and APsystems, the approved Rapid Shutdown solution will now be available to customers through the APsmart distribution channel.

“The APsmart RSD solution is quickly being accepted as the new industry benchmark for rapid shutdown devices,” said Dr. Yuhao Luo, APsystems CTO. “We’ve built a powerful, reliable product that through its core function prioritizes the safety of homeowners and first responders.”

Technical documentation on the RSD-S-PLC can be found on the APsmart website where interested installers and SMA channel partners can also register for an upcoming training webinar on the APsmart PVRSE.

APsystems launches APsmart brand of DC MLPE devices

APsmart is a new brand of DC module-level electronics, including the RSD (Rapid Shutdown Device) and Transmitter-PLC for enabling rapid shutdown compliance at a solar site. Certified to SunSpec and NEC 690.12 Rapid Shutdown requirements, the RSD and Transmitter-PLC offer built-in safety, reliable technology, and are an ideal rapid shutdown compliance solution. 
The APsmart RSD System is a SunSpec Alliance Certified [paired] device which maintains constant communication between the RSD and the Transmitter, constantly monitoring voltage and current. When proper voltage is not detected the Transmitter stops sending the keep-alive signal to the RSD-S-PLC device, immediately initiating the module-level rapid shutdown sequence. 
About APsmart 
From the developers at APsystems, APsmart offers state-of-the-art DC MLPE products. Leveraging APsystems’ proven expertise in module-level power electronics, APsmart solutions are powered by ASIC with its internal IP and integrated with TI chips at the system-level application. Learn more about APsmart and the RSD solution at  APsmartGlobal.com or stop by the APsmart kiosk at booth #2336 at Solar Power International next week in Salt Lake City.

APsystems Launches QS1 Four-Module 1200W AC Microinverter


ANAHEIM – September 24th, 2018 – APsystems unveils the QS1, a four-module, single phase microinverter for residential applications at the Solar Power International trade show in Anaheim. A new design for APsystems, the QS1 offers 75% faster installation time, while offering the highest peak output power and up to 3X faster data transmission speed than PLC. A wider MPPT voltage range will result in a greater energy harvest for homeowners.

The first of its kind, the QS1 is designed to accommodate today’s high output PV panels up to 375W, offering 300W AC output per channel, the highest among microinverters. The unit also significantly reduces installation time and costs, taking the place of four conventional microinverters per each QS1 installed while still providing four independent MPPT.

The QS1 utilizes a common AC trunk cabling with the dual-module YC600, offering flexible mix-and-match compatibility on the same circuit to enhance site design capability and maximize circuit capacity. Both microinverters also utilize the same gateways; installers can choose from the ECU-R, for single or multi-residential installations, or the ECU-C, for applications requiring consumption monitoring and advanced contact/relay features.

“Compatibility with the existing YC600 microinverter system gives the QS1 an unprecedented advantage,” said APsystems Chief Technology Officer Dr. Yuhao Luo. “Mixing dual and quad microinverters in the same system adds design flexibility while offering a strong inventory and installation labor advantage over conventional microinverters.”

Today’s solar systems require a more robust communication architecture to manage significantly more data points and in-field software updates. A 2.4GHz wireless Zigbee mesh network offers enhanced data transmissions speed, up to three times faster than conventional powerline communication (PLC).

The QS1 builds on the successful APsystems line of multi-module microinverters, offering reduced logistics costs, integrated communication and connection features, and a wider MPPT voltage range for greater energy harvest during low light conditions.

The new microinverter will be on display at the APsystems booth #2838 at Solar Power International.


APsystems to Launch QS1 Four-Module 1200W Microinverter at Solar Power International


SEATTLE, Wa.; ROTTERDAM, Netherlands; JIAXING, China – August 27, 2018 – APsystems will unveil the QS1, a four-module, single phase microinverter for residential applications at the Solar Power International trade show in Anaheim. A new design for APsystems, the QS1 offers 75% faster installation time, while offering the highest peak output power and up to 3X faster transmission speed than conventional microinverters. A wider MPPT voltage range will result in a greater energy harvest for homeowners.

The first of its kind, the QS1 is designed to accommodate today’s high output PV panels, offer enhanced capability and significantly reduce installation time and costs while providing an unprecedented level of power with four independent MPPT per channel. Common AC trunk cabling with the dual-module YC600, offers flexible mix-and-match compatibility on the same circuit and with the same gateway (ECU-R or ECU-C).

The unit also builds on the successful APsystems line of multi-module microinverters, offering reduced logistics costs and integrated communication and connection features.

The new microinverter will debut at the APsystems booth #2838 September 25-27 at SPI.

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APsystems YC600 smart-grid microinverter NOW SHIPPING in USA

The world’s most advanced solar microinverter, the smart-grid compliant YC600 from APsystems, is now shipping in the U.S. market.

A true utility-interactive microinverter with Reactive Power Control (RPC) technology, the YC600 meets CA Rule 21 requirements and is NEC 2014/2017 Rapid Shutdown compliant. The YC600 sets a bold new standard for solar microinverter technology, boasting an unprecedented 300VA peak output per channel and accommodating 60- and 72-cell PV modules.

A wider MPPT voltage range than competing brands means greater energy harvest for homeowners, and the unit is shelled in a rugged, NEMA 6/IP67, powder-coated aluminum enclosure, bucking today’s trend of plastic casings.

The YC600 builds on the successful APsystems line of multi-module microinverters, simplifying installation while reducing installation costs and time on the job site.

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YC600 features include:

  • Dual-module microinverter with independent MPPT
  • Utility-interactive with Reactive Power Control (RPC)
  • CA Rule 21 compliance
  • Continuous power of 274VA per channel, 300VA peak
  • Accommodates modules from 250-365W+
  • Wide MPPT voltage range (22V-45V)
  • Meets NEC 2014/2017 690.12 Rapid Shutdown requirements
  • ZigBee communication & free monitoring

Contact your local distributor or sales.usa@APsystems.com to bring the YC600 to your customers today.

APsystems joins Sunnova Approved Vendor List


SEATTLE, Washington – January 30, 2018 – APsystems joined the approved vendor list for Sunnova, a leading U.S. residential solar and energy storage service provider.

The agreement brings APsystems advanced microinverter technology to Sunnova’s portfolio of top-tier, consumer-friendly solar services. Sunnova offers an array of solar lease, lease-to-own, and power-purchase options for customers all across the United States.


“Sunnova has earned a strong reputation for easy, no-nonsense solar packages for consumers,” said Jason Higginson, Senior Director of Marketing for APsystems USA. “We’re glad to bring our solar microinverter technology to their platform, to help more homeowners nationwide enjoy energy self-sufficiency and savings.”

“Our goal is to offer our customers a brilliant choice for energizing their lives,” said John Santo Salvo, SVP of Channel Operations and Chief Procurement Officer at Sunnova. “We believe APsystems’ advanced microinverter offering is an ideal addition to our customer-empowering portfolio of solar solutions.”

APsystems is listed on Sunnova’s 2018 Approved Vendor List and is now an option in their system solution platform.


About Sunnova
Sunnova is a leading U.S. residential solar and storage service provider whose mission is to help power solar, savings, reliability and most importantly, life, forward. Offering various rooftop solar system solutions, Sunnova provides its customers with the opportunity to customize their own systems. Sunnova isn’t simply a solar company, but a power provider that offers people a brilliant choice for energizing their lives. For more information, visit www.sunnova.com.



APsystems Unveils World’s Most Advanced Solar Microinverter


LAS VEGAS – September 10, 2017 – APsystems introduces the YC600, a dual-module, utility-interactive microinverter with Reactive Power Control (RPC) technology and Rule 21 grid support functionality at Solar Power International in Las Vegas, NV.

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The first of its kind, the YC600 was designed to accommodate today’s high output PV panels, offer enhanced capability and meet the latest grid compliance standards, including UL 1741 SA requirements for California Rule 21 as well as voltage and frequency ride through and RPC for European and Australian DER requirements.

Offering an unprecedented 300VA peak output power per channel, the YC600 works with 60 and 72-cell PV modules and offers dual, independent MPPT per panel. The unit operates within a wider MPPT voltage range than competing brands for a greater energy harvest and boasts a durable, NEMA 6/IP67, powder-coated aluminum enclosure, bucking today’s trend of plastic casings.

YC600 Banners2“Integrating smart grid-interactive capability, reactive power control and Rule 21 support functionality into a dual-module microinverter while still maintaining independent MPPT per channel is a groundbreaking achievement in microinverter technology,” said Olivier Jacques, executive vice president, USA and EMEA. “We’ve significantly raised the bar with this product.”

The YC600 builds on the successful APsystems line of multi-module microinverters, simplifying installation and reducing logistics costs. The unit features both integrated ground and DC connectors for fast, hassle-free installation and maintains inherent compliance to NEC 690.12 Rapid Shutdown code requirements. An integrated ZigBee antenna offers broadband communication over a mesh network for fast, accurate data monitoring.

“The demands on today’s power conversion systems require that manufacturers not only bring cutting-edge concepts into existence, but also include the complex capabilities of successful previous generations, all while accommodating both current and new compliance standards,” said Dr. Yuhao Luo, APsystems’ chief technology officer. “The YC600 includes dozens of new and advanced features and functions that outclass competing products. And then we added free monitoring.”

The groundbreaking new microinverter will debut at Solar Power International, being held in Las Vegas, Nevada, September 11-13, booth #1745. The product is now available in Australia and Asia-Pacific markets and will soon launch in the U.S. market mid-Q4 and EMEA market late Q4 of this year.




APsystems to Unveil World’s Most Advanced Solar Microinverter at Solar Power International


SEATTLE, Wa.; LYON, France; JIAXING, China – September 5, 2017 – APsystems will unveil the YC600, a dual-module, smart grid and Rule 21 compliant microinverter at the Solar Power International trade show in Las Vegas. A groundbreaking design in microinverter technology, the YC600 will offer the highest peak output power, faster transmission speed and more modules allowed per string than comparable microinverters. A wider MPPT voltage range will result in a greater energy harvest for homeowners.

The first of its kind, the YC600 is designed to accommodate today’s high output PV panels, offer enhanced capability and meet the latest grid compliance standards while providing an unprecedented level of power with dual, independent MPPT per channel. The unit also builds on the successful APsystems line of multi-module microinverters, simplifying installation and reducing logistics costs.

The new microinverter will debut at the APsystems booth #1745 September 11-13 at SPI.

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APsystems joins Dividend Solar Approved Vendor List


SEATTLE, Washington – June 5, 2017 – APsystems joined the approved vendor list for Dividend Solar, a leading home-energy financing platform.

apsystems-dividendThe agreement brings APsystems advanced microinverter technology to Dividend’s portfolio of top-tier, consumer-friendly solar products.

“Dividend Solar is a recognized leader in bringing affordable solar to homeowners nationwide,” said Jason Higginson, Senior Director of Marketing for APsystems USA. “Their fast-track financing is an excellent match for our own quick, easy-to-install microinverter systems. Consumers and installers alike will benefit from this pairing.”

Dividend Solar, a division of Dividend Finance, offers $0-down financing which enables homeowners to maximize the benefits of going solar while also enjoying hassle-free performance guarantees and warranty management.

Founded in 2013, Dividend has led the shift towards the direct ownership model in solar. In 2016 the company expanded into home energy financing options to include the next frontier of energy saving upgrades.

Dividend’s technology platform has streamlined the credit approval and installation process, thereby lowering the cost of installing solar panels and energy efficiency upgrades for its customers and partners.  Learn more by visiting www.dividendsolar.com.