Entries by APsystems Team

Thanks to all of our solar partners across the U.S.

With the national day of gratitude upon us, the APsystems team would like to extend our sincere thanks to all of our solar partners across the U.S. We have a lot to be thankful for. The support and enthusiasm from our partner distributors, installers and end-users alike have helped make APsystems the #2 microinverter provider in […]

APsystems Launches QS1 Four-Module 1200W AC Microinverter

**FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE** ANAHEIM – September 24th, 2018 – APsystems unveils the QS1, a four-module, single phase microinverter for residential applications at the Solar Power International trade show in Anaheim. A new design for APsystems, the QS1 offers 75% faster installation time, while offering the highest peak output power and up to 3X faster data […]

APsystems to Launch QS1 Four-Module 1200W Microinverter at Solar Power International

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE SEATTLE, Wa.; ROTTERDAM, Netherlands; JIAXING, China – August 27, 2018 – APsystems will unveil the QS1, a four-module, single phase microinverter for residential applications at the Solar Power International trade show in Anaheim. A new design for APsystems, the QS1 offers 75% faster installation time, while offering the highest peak output power […]

How should solar installers plan for inverter failure – SPW

APsystems microinverter reliability is touted in the August issue Solar Power World. In the article “How should solar installers plan for inverter failure,” writer Kelsey Misbrener explores inverter reliability, warranties, and industry views on how installers and customers can keep up with evolving inverter technologies. The article quotes Director of Marketing Jason Higginson, citing APsystems […]

Take our 2018 survey and enter to win $500 cash!

Are you an installer, contractor or distributor? Do you use, specify, purchase, market or install solar inverter products? If yes then please take a few minutes to complete this survey, and you will be eligible to win a $500 Visa® gift card. It’s this easy: By answering all questions in the short survey, you’ll help us […]

Powered by APsystems microinverters, the largest solar array in Manitoba goes live

The largest solar array in Manitoba, Canada, goes live this month, powered by APsystems microinverters. The ambitious 200.2 kW ground-mount array will provide 100 percent of the power needs for the Crescent Beach Cottages, a waterfront vacation resort on scenic West Hawk Lake in the Whiteshell Provincial Park. Installer Evolve Green of Manitoba and the resort owners chose […]

More power, smart-grid ready with new YC600 microinverter

The powerful new YC600 microinverter from APsystems is the forward-thinking choice in all solar markets. Seattle-area installer Puget Sound Solar chose the YC600 for a recent residential installation in the Magnolia neighborhood, where homeowners will benefit from the 300VA peak output to take maximum advantage of Washington state’s progressive net metering program. The 7.7kW system […]